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If you are someone who has come across both Holistic medicine and modern medicine, you may have wondered what could possibly be different in their approaches and results.

While modern medicine is great when it comes to emergency life-saving conditions or chronic illnesses, Holistic medicine by Dr Ludmila aims to restore health by regenerating new cells, combining western science with eastern wisdom. What does this mean?

 Holistic medicine cares about your health. Not diseases. Not medications. Not diets.

 We will tell you why.

 “There are thousands of diseases and trillions of viruses on this planet. We cannot prevent them all and vaccinate against all of them. Health is one and only. Care about your health.” – Dr Ludmila

 At Holistic Healing, treatments are based on the philosophy of Holism – Mind, Body, Energy. All of this functioning within the universe.

Holistic Healing Medical Centre:

  • Follows the Law of Nature
  • Detoxes you at four levels
  • Uses only natural traditional treatment
  • Helps you to regenerate new cells
  • Guides you to Holistic Lifestyle
  • Achieves best results in short period of time
  • Harmonises your Essence and Energy

We take you on the path of healing, from a chaotic life full of sickness to a Holistic lifestyle full of health.

Modern medicine and Holistic medicine functions for two different purposes. Most often, we do not understand this purpose as the media is filled with negative information focusing only on sickness, diseases and pills . We are conditioned to believe that by caring about sickness we are on a healthy path. This is the primary reason why at Holistic Healing Medical Centre, one of the key steps is to clean this media and stay away from negativity.


How Can Health Be Restored?

Health is a human’s responsibility. At the end of the day, what a human puts into his or her own mouth as food and drink is a personal choice. Whether you eat or sleep on time, is again your choice. Which is why, choosing consciously is your responsibility towards your health. As Dr Ludmila says, “Health is one and only.” 

If you as an individual recognise the significance of this responsibility, you will never have to rely on anyone for your own health! This is because your health is in you, in your choices, in your day-to-day activities, in your mind. Your health reflects you as a person.

If your priority is Health, then Holistic medicine is the right place for you.

  • We will support you in prioritising health. This health is what will give you immunity. Not the other way round.
  • Cleansing and detoxing (from all toxins be it environmental, products you use on your own skin, cookware etc.
  • Your body will be in-tune with nature – utilising all energies from the five elements of existential energy (fire, water, air, space, earth)


The Process Of Holistic Medicine

In our treatment we unite:

Western science:

NLS-Oberon Health Screening

Bio-Well Energy Scan


Eastern wisdom:




Chinese herbal medicine

Thai therapy

Yoga therapy

When you walk in through our doors for a Holistic consultation, our approach focuses on the healing process for your whole body. This would mean

  1. Diagnostics done to evaluate your organ functioning and energy levels.
  2. Based on health condition, the Holistic doctor will prescribe you a suitable treatment plan which would include traditional medicines and a Holistic lifestyle plan that will be followed during the healing process.
  3. Healing Water by Kangen – A vital part of our Holistic treatments is water which is of significant importance as water is 72% of the human body. Healing Water is alkaline water that is alive, ionised, hydrogen-rich, anti-oxidant, and micro-clustered that enriches your cells and keeps you young and healthy.


Choice Is Yours. Choose Consciously.

You can either go to multiple doctors to suppress the symptoms each time you fall ill and stimulate immunity or heal from within by regenerating health and having health restored through Holistic healing.

“Your health is inside you, covered by toxins, destroyed by disease, suppressed by medicines and controlled by doctors. But nature created us with the possibility of regeneration. We constantly regenerate the cells of the skin, nails, hair, blood, lymphs long as we have the capacity to regenerate, we have the possibility to heal ourselves. With Holistic healing, we take you on the path of healing, you will regenerate health and you will spread happiness,” quotes Dr Ludmila.


“You are born Holistic, whole! We only help you restore health, realise happiness and develop harmony.” – Dr Ludmila 

A Holistic lifestyle is proof that YOU CAN LIVE A PILL-FREE LIFE.

There are people leading healthy lives in today’s fast-paced world, making conscious decisions for their mind and body on a daily basis. This is a small portion of the world’s population who have chosen health over sickness. This number can rise if each one of us makes the choice that is best for us. It is possible, and all it requires is an open mind wanting to invest in health.

Over the past years, Holistic Healing Medical Centre has witnessed beautiful transformations with patients coming in with the will-power to lead a life off-the-pills. Today they are all successful at living holistically and are healthy! If they can, so can anyone.


Why have pills become our way of life?

There is a rise in the ‘pill culture’ – where some people have become so dependent on pills, that it has become a norm. it has become a ‘way of life’.

Pills are considered a solution for health yet sickness continues.

We can go from one doctor to another, consuming pills for headache, for cold, for cramps etc. We will definitely be able to ‘suppress’ them with the support of modern medicine. However, if these symptoms could be resolved and eliminated through pills, then why do they show up later? Why continue with the pills?

If it cannot be resolved, then it will only be suppressed.

Pills have become the easier to-do activities in life than taking a stroll early in the morning, soaking in the sun, eating fruits for breakfast, eating on time and sleeping on time.

Our minds have been conditioned to think that we are investing in our health through supplements, vitamins, probiotics, etc, when instead these are all naturally available through vital energies and through nature.

The fact that you are already taking pills means you will continue to take pills because everyday there is a new option. It’s become a trend. You have something for skin, for hair, for pain, for protein, for stress, for sleep, and the list goes on!

Can you think what would happen when you ingest so many pills all through your life? They will accumulate as toxins in your body which then need to be treated – it’s a continuous chain, this results in a chaotic life.

A holistic way of life cleanses you inside out, guides you to get vitamins and minerals from natural sources for your vital energy, takes you from medication to meditation, from sickness and suffering to health and happiness.


How can we lead a pill-free life?

Back in the day, our ancestors lived a life that had zero drugs and surgeries. They were able to lead a healthier lifestyle and succumbed to infections only because of lack of technology to diagnose and treat them? They visited doctors for health.

What makes their lifestyle poles apart with our lifestyle is having lived a life in-tune with nature. This world has been created with all possible resources for survival. Moreover, the human body has been blessed with the power to heal on its own.

In the 21st century, we have absolutely everything to maintain our health including access to information, food, water, travelling etc. We can do anything we want to do with the abundances of resources, provided we make the right choice of life.

Health or sickness is a choice. Yet, we have accepted one disease or the other to be a part of life as a result of our choices. By continuing to accept this way of life, we are leaning towards a chaotic lifestyle that will be passed on to the future generations.

We can change this. We can restore our health if only we are willing to transit from a chaotic lifestyle to a Holistic lifestyle. Some ways to restore health:

  • Active lifestyle involving more physical activities
  • Access to vital energies sources – sun and fresh air
  • Fresh & seasonal food consumption, use Healing water by Kangen to remove toxins from chemical induced fruits and vegetables
  • Drinking Alive water (view how to make your water alive) Learn more here
  • Slow living: embrace a Holistic way of life full of health and happiness – Learn more here
  • Positive mindset: Steer clear off the negative media that surrounds you



“Maybe it’s because I am an Aquarius – sign of water and air, symbolising giving. Or maybe because I am in this line of Holistic medicine, I have always been sensitive to water even from a distance, right from childhood. I knew this was water I can drink, and this was water I cannot drink. For me water is a mystery, giving life.” – Dr Ludmila

In her younger years as a child, Dr Ludmila could not quite explain her bond with water at that point but there definitely was a strong connection that she always felt. It carries on till today, only having grown with her and strengthened her understanding that water is life.

Now, I consider water to be a sacred existence because when you drink water, it becomes you. We are bones, cells inside a skin filled with water and water is 72% of our body. The moment you drink water, the water becomes you and after that water cleans the toxins out from you, it allows your life to continue, to regenerate, and to feel happiness. You know that feeling when you don’t drink water for a long time? You feel thirsty, you feel tired, you feel exhausted. The moment you drink water, especially alive water, you feel great! Especially when you take a shower, you may be upset or tensed after a long day. The moment you come out of the shower with the same situation and same emotions but somehow you are different,” shares Dr Ludmila.

This is the magic of this source of energy – how the water inside and outside of you changes. What does the water do? It does not just supply life, but it non-stop cleans. The point is water can be alive or stagnant and dead. With water, the planet becomes alive, and when you sense the water as sacred, water reflects this feeling.

Is it enough to drink clean water?

Dr Ludmila emphasises on how the point is not about drinking clean water only, but instead it is about drinking alive water.

Alive water vibrates, it is sensuous, sensitivity is high, and you can feel it from a distance. If sensitivity is low, it only needs a label that reads pH 7.4 but even pH 7.4 water in plastic or even in glass bottles after 2-3 days becomes absolutely dead! This is why when people drink this water, they feel bloated, thirst is not quenched and people tend to drink even more.


How to make water alive?

If you are at home and purchase water in a plastic bottle because you don’t have any other options, at least make this water alive by boiling or storing it in a clay pot or transfering the water or communicating  with it –  support the water to transform again. The moment water transits through any glass, through any pot, water becomes immediately alive because electrons start to move, start to charge.

healing water dubai
Words can kill, words can heal


Water is energy

The water which is stagnant, takes energy from you to be eliminated from your body. This is why people complain of tiredness in big cities, people complain that they are tired even though lifts are available, cars are available and escalators are available.

While in the villages, peo

ple never complain “I am tired”, people complain “I am finished or done for the day”. Here their mind knows to respond adeptly to these needs of their body by saying “Yes I need to eat”, “I need to sleep”, “I need to do something”, because they know how to recharge themselves.

Ancestors back in the day understood the value of water, treating it as a sacred resource, and showing gratitude by communicating to it.

“Words can kill, words can heal. Water can kill, water can heal. Our words, our thoughts, our emotions affect the molecular structure of water, as water has memory. Heal with water, for health and happiness. Dr Ludmila”  


Water can kill, water can heal


This is because water transits our emotions. Holistic Healing has always identified water as a healing power, having it play a significant role in all our treatments.

When you drink water, drink it with gratitude and realisation that this is the source of life. When you drink water with gratitude, it responds with gratitude inside of you.

“Water is like an aquarium to our cells. Its clean cells enable it to regenerate, survive and function in an alkaline environment. If water is stagnant and fermented, then it is an acidic environment where even vaccination cannot help!”

The moment we improve 72% of our body, it immediately responds. It is not only water itself but what type of water you drink and what type of water is inside you. You must be already aware how certain foods can make you feel bloated while with others, you are perfectly fine. Similarly with water, you feel fine at one time, but other times you feel dead. This is why it is important to know the source of your water and drink the right kind.

Continuous support has been extended towards our staff and patients especially during COVID-19 and the results were visible in their health as only 5 from our staff and patients had contracted a mild infection.


Holistic Healing recognises the value of water in the healing process. This is why we give a lot of importance to water by supporting our patients with healing water during their treatment period. We ensure our patients are informed and aware of this precious resource, giving them presentations at our specially designed water lounge. The healing water by Kangen that we provide to not only our patients but anyone who would like to collect it, is ionised, alkaline, antioxidant, micro-clustered and hydrogen-rich.

There are different water ionizers, but the Enagic technology has stood the test of time and quality and proved to be one of the best devices to have at home for non-stop alive water every day. What makes Kangen water by Enagic unique from the rest of the ionizers is that it is ISO certified and medically approved in Japan, used in their hospitals and supporting people since 45 years to make alive water in their own homes.

The reason such a device is essential in this day and time is because of how water has become a mere commodity sold in plastic bottles. Stagnant water which is dead water, can take energy and electrons from you whereas alive water gives its energy and electrons to you. 

It is not only alive water for drinking purposes alone, but it also supports regeneration in our body and holds immense health benefits. Moreover it can be used for cleaning and sanitisation reducing use of toxic plastics, chemicals.

Water is a sacred existential energy. Let us value this miracle resource for everything it has to offer human life and planet Earth.




 I wish every woman to realise that she is the source of creation. Creation is a source of love and life. Create in abundance.” – Dr Ludmila

The 21st century marks the dawn of the Aquarius era, the time for the rise of feminine energy. The moment is here for both women and men equally to embrace their feminine energies to transform, develop and create.

Feminine energy is like the river. It flows, is open and giving. Every being has both feminine and masculine energies. Our personality only depends on how much of it we use. We may not feel the existence of a particular energy within us but we can always reconnect with it. It is about finding the right balance for harmony and co-existence.

In Holistic lifestyle, Holistic means ‘whole’. It is considering your entire being as one unit of energy. We can utilise our feminine energy for creativity and to create on our own. We can give only what we have. So let’s choose to love first before expecting it.

To give before we receive.


What Is Feminine Energy & Masculine Energy?

Feminine energy belongs to transformation, development, and to growing life. At the core of it is CREATION. Masculine energy belongs to production. Every woman knows how to cook but the best chef is a man. Many women knows to paint but the best painter is a man. So many women know how to play music but the best composer is a man.

Feminine energy is creation and masculine energy is production. Feminine energy motivates masculine energy.


Era of Aquarius & Rise Of Feminine Energy

The Aquarius era symbolises water and giving. This perfect time to apply feminine energy, choosing to challenge ourselves to create and celebrate our femininity.

Feminine energy is motivating and ignites masculine energy. In the era of Aquarius, feminine energy becomes more applicable as creativity is the core of existence. When the economy was not developed, masculine energy was more in demand because of its core purpose of production.

Now that economy has developed, it is time for creativity. In the era of Aquarius, we need to realise, every life belongs to creation. Creation first before production. When we have the convenience and the comfort that comes with technology, the question then is – what is it used for? To destroy ourselves or to ignite ourselves.


How To Reconnect With Feminine Energy?

In its true essence, feminine energy is delicate and vulnerable. What we need to realise is that in this tenderness lies immense strength that can be used for creation. Feminine energy IS the life of creation.

We are the source of energy and we can create energy. We only need to realise that  a chaotic life full of suffering and stress can only destroy. A Holistic lifestyle is full of health, success and harmony. The energy of water is the same as the energy of feminine, it is subtle. It flows like a river. Feminine energy has power by silence, creativity, by law of energy.

Feminine power is in our delicateness, tenderness, vulnerability because there is power in this creativity. Choose to create instead of challenge. Creativity is a challenge in itself. When we challenge, we are forcing the idea that we have to become more powerful, we have to become stronger and more aggressive. It is a point of realisation to use this time for yourself, for creation and not against yourself. 

Feminine energy is much stronger. There is strength in the subtlety. Women are a source of life, creativity, and motivate men and children. The more a woman realises about herself, the more she blossoms. It is a matter of realisation of masculine / feminine energy inside us.

When we understand ourselves and our true potential, we are embracing our feminine energy and through this we will be able to motivate people, family. Love and money are the results of creation. And who can create? Feminine energy. We need to realise creative energy is our source of life.

Heart is the energy of compassion. We can only offer what we have within us. It is not only love but self-realisation too. If people and society are conscious equally, there is beauty. World can be saved by beauty because beauty is a result of creation.

We go to restaurants where all chefs are male. Yet, we crave our mum’s food. It is because it is made with love and it is her creation.

Choose to challenge yourself. Choose To create.


Yes. You read that right.

Amusing is it not? To know that our body is the universe in itself with all the answers we are looking for. We just need to understand the signals that the body is trying to communicate with us.

We always seek solutions on the surface level. On the contrary, if we were to observe our bowel activity in the case of skin problems, the root cause can be identified. Most skin issues are linked to indigestion of the food. All you need to do is to monitor your stool to understand the effect of your lifestyle.

There is a direct relationship between the skin and our digestive system. When there is indigestion in the body, it is most often due to unhealthy eating habits, be it in terms of choice of food, meal time, or sleeping pattern. The undigested food ferments in the body causing bloating in the abdomen. Toxins then accumulate in our blood leading to skin troubles. Constipation, diarrhea, and bloating affect the body and the mind. And our skin ideally mirrors everything that goes on within us.

Dr Ludmila’s advice on achieving healthy skin through a healthy gut

“Skin is the surface of our body which covers all organs that we have inside. Skin and digestive system are formed from the same stem cells. How soft, formed and easy your stool is, can tell more about what is going on inside and outside your body.

Generally, not only what you eat, but also how you digest what you eat, reflects on your skin.

What is inside is what is outside, and beauty is inside out!

Hence the old adage ‘you are beautiful inside and out’. The real beauty of a person goes far beyond just physical appearances and into your internal organs. Beauty is in a healthy body, mind and soul.

Infact, our digestive system is the core to our health. If our digestion is correct, our skin will glow and if our digestion is improper, the skin will be dull and have breakouts.

How do we ensure a healthy digestive system?

Transit from a chaotic life full of life-dependents like diets, medical supplements, stress, antibiotic, probiotic, vaccination, tobacco and drugs to a Holistic lifestyle whole of health, happiness, success, freedom without any restriction. 

Discover your unlimited possibilities and creativeness.

You only need to apply your life on time, and this is called a Holistic lifestyle.

As far as life functions are concerned, 24-hours is enough even though we may not feel so in today’s fast paced world.

Are we on time with our life?

This is what we need to ask ourselves and give importance to.

It means our stomach will not be able to function properly if we are not on time in our life.  If immunity works at 11:00 a.m. and we still haven’t had breakfast, then it disrupts the function of immunity because of lack of nutrition in our cells.

In this modern era, because we have electricity, we prolong our day. We can wake up at 9:00 a.m. in the morning, and we can go to sleep at 2:00 a.m. in the night. It is fine for us but for the body, it is working against its system and will not be able to function.

The key to health is to follow time. The body has a specific activity for a specific time. It is our responsibility to follow our body’s biological clock for the healthy functioning of our system.

First and foremost, adopt a healthy lifestyle.

And Holistic, is the solution to this. 

At Holistic Healing, it is a wholesome approach, taking care of your physical aspect, your mental health, and even your soul.”


  1. Skin health = Gut health
  2. Gut health = Proper digestion
  3. Proper digestion = Holistic Lifestyle (On time with life and healthy food)

You see, it’s that simple. All we have to do is to take care of what we put inside our bodies, the meal time and our sleeping patterns. The rest of the complex work is done by our body because it’s where all the magic happens.

Our body has immense capabilities beyond what we understand.

Get an Online Consultation at Holistic Healing now!


When Skin Speaks Health

The skin is our largest organ; a canvas that mirrors everything that is going on inside our body as well as our lifestyle and our environment.

It reflects our food habits, our sleeping pattern, our mental health – it all seeps right through the skin making it visible. What goes on in the insides is what is reflected on the outside. Yet, we see right through it without understanding the message it is trying to convey. It is not about the days that we have our skin and hair looking perfect, but instead, it’s about our HEALTH.

Let’s put this into perspective.

How many of us ever give it a thought of what may have caused the skin imbalances and irritations? And more amusingly so, not many of us would even know that the skin and the gut health are interconnected.


Our esthetician says…

“I can recollect the incident of a patient who had come in with severe acne and candida problems. She had visited many clinics, undergone several tests and facial treatments. She was also redirected to other doctors like endocrinologists or gynecologists to run several tests. In the end, the solutions that she was given lasted a short while, only to return a few months later. The same cycle would then just repeat itself.

At Holistic Healing Medical Center, we work as a team – we have an esthetician and doctors specialized in Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. We work on the root cause in eliminating it rather than putting the patient on antibiotics unnecessarily. In the case of this patient, we introduced her to a treatment plan of 3 months to eliminate toxins and improve absorption of nutrients. Alongside, we worked out her diet through consultation with the Holistic Ayurveda doctor, removing certain foods based on the understanding of which dosha she belonged to. At the end of the treatment plan, she was not only able to see a difference in her skin, but also the benefits of adopting a Holistic Lifestyle.”


Our Colon Is Root To Our Health

Gut health requires utmost care. Skin ultimately mirrors the gut. It is the reflection of our health rather than just the image we see in the mirror. Skin being the largest organ, it ultimately shows the choices we make for ourselves, our health and our lifestyle.

The body could signal an unhealthy lifestyle through acne, hyperpigmentation or even severe conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea etc.

While attending to the skin, Holistic skin care treatments also resolve several other issues, giving way for long-term results. “We often have patients come in complaining of pimples on the back or a face acne, and many times, the root cause always leads to the gut”, says our Ayurveda Doctor. Which is why it is extremely important to focus on gut health.


Holistic Skincare Combines Lifestyle With Skin Treatments

Holistic traditionally means to treat the body as a whole and not in parts – everything is believed to be interrelated. Holistic skin care will not only help your skin, but your overall health as well.

The Holistic approach to skin care includes facials, peels, massages to ensure the benefits are maintained and lasting much longer than any other instant solutions. Here, the focus is to cleanse from within as well as enjoy the perks of facials.

The reason Holistic skin care works is due to the importance given to the root cause more than the skin itself. The root cause can be identified by analysing the patient’s lifestyle. For example, when staying up late, you are most likely to wake up next morning with puffy eyes and dark circles. Similarly, a day of excessive consumption of oily and sugary foods, is bound to lead to breakouts.

The solution is to listen to what the skin is trying to communicate to us about our health. The skin reflects the health deep inside us, making it easier for us to monitor our lifestyle choices.


Acupuncture, which uses the method of pricking the human body with needles,  may baffle the world outside of China. Our minds are conditioned to believe what ‘conventional medicine’ tells us to believe. But Acupuncture, is much deeper.

It is based on a philosophy of flow of energy and the treatment produces a gradual recovery. Results are quicker when combined with other Holistic solutions like cleansing and detox treatments, to cover the whole process of healing.

Acupuncture is efficient for:

  • Muscular and neurological pain
  • Headache
  • Depression and sleeping problems
  • PMS
  • For easing delivery
  • Emotional and hormonal imbalance


Right Treatment Plan Is Essential

What was practiced by the ancient Chinese 5000 years ago has been modified into different versions by many around the globe – some who understand this line of medicine and some who clearly are unaware.

At Holistic Healing, we have had many instances of patients coming into our centre, having already undergone Acupuncture treatment without much benefit. This is due to the body being treated in parts instead of as a whole. Acupuncture although is helpful on its own as a treatment plan, to reap benefits of traditional healing, you have to look into your body as a whole. Make lifestyle changes to be in tune with your body, working alongside with the doctor.

For example in the case of patients who have come in with concerns relating to fertility issues, they have had faster recovery through cleansing of toxins, IV infusions, alongside Acupuncture.


Acupuncture Has A Solution For All

The most common health troubles that patients often approach for Acupuncture treatment are, chronic pain like back pain or shoulder pain, mental health discomforts like anxiety, and insomnia, to name a few.

The Acupuncture treatment approach for pain relief, like shoulder pain, is a long-term treatment plan. The positive aspect of this treatment is that from the very first session, you will begin to feel a difference.

Diabetic and cholesterol patients too can find health solutions in this treatment. As opposed to allopathic treatment of tablets and insulin dependency, Acupuncture resolves such chronic illnesses naturally. There is zero use of medicines here.

The longevity of this Traditional Chinese Medicine depends on the individual taking it as part of a Holistic Lifestyle beyond just a treatment plan. In China, Acupuncture is a daily norm whereas in other parts of the world, it is done in multiple sessions

Numerous concerns have been resolved through this treatment plan ranging from pain relief to infertility.  Acupuncture guarantees long-term results, provided the individual takes additional responsibility and care too. It is a Holistic approach after all; the doctor can only guide you but the ultimate lifestyle change is your will. These traditional methods offer healing to the body and then the body recuperates on its own.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

– Albert Einstein


“Our mind creates our thoughts

Our thoughts affect our emotions

Our emotions reflect our energy

Our energy builds up our body.”

– Dr Ludmila Vassilieva 


Humans are the most intelligent of all creations. And yet, in this day and time, there is a clear lack of awareness to choose what is right over wrong. To choose health over sickness. We know that the beverages and fast food advertised on billboards are harmful but we continue to purchase it in the name of convenience. Ignoring our core foundation, health.

We are unaware of how to reach out to our own bodies’ healing power. Neither do we know how to utilise the five elements of nature that we have been blessed with – Earth, fire, air, water, and space.  Health can only survive if we care about our own life and the life around us, both of which we are solely responsible for.

Have you ever wondered why our body shows symptoms or how and when an ailment occurs? When health does not exist, the body non-stop signals you by discomfort either through thirst or fatigue.  But when we ignore these signals, symptoms start to show where the body tries to communicate with you that something is wrong. ‘I am tired’ signal may become headache, vomiting etc. at a later stage. This is the body’s way of making you aware of the life inside you. When there is sickness, people prefer to get tablets from the doctor or the pharmacy. This right here is the problem with the perception of health – people are confused between paying to suppress the symptoms over investing in health where they heal from within. Curing through medication is only treating a patient for temporary recovery, and unfortunately, this is the trend we see today. It is the trend, because this is what we are told to believe – information from all corners on how to cure sickness rather than restore health.

People complain about how they can do everything but are helpless to switch off their brain at night because of the overload of information. Today we are not suffering because of lack of information. But because of excess information.

The excess of information has created the most turmoil during the pandemic. We are constantly confused with the load of the unfiltered information surrounding the virus.  It is extremely essential that we understand the importance of a strong immune system and personal hygiene, given the pandemic hype that a lot of us seem occupied with. Focus more on immunity and hygiene than the virus in itself.

Up until the last century doctors were paid for health. Medicinal practices such as ayurveda, acupuncture, homeopathy followed this principle. But today people are paying for sickness instead due to lack of awareness. Media has to support a change in perspective by making people conscious of their lifestyle. A huge transformation is possible for ourselves and the world around us only if we transit from a chaotic life to a conscious life. A conscious life is what we call, a Holistic Lifestyle. To live life to its full potential by regenerating cells and restoring health.

A Holistic Lifestyle is the solution for the growth and development of mankind.


If you strive for bliss, your diet should be such that new disease cannot manifest and existing disease is alleviated.” – Charaka

Man has come up with many inventions applying his intelligence and wisdom. Some have been successful. Some have failed to see daylight. The same can be said about the various medicinal approaches from around the globe that have come and gone over the centuries. Health has a clear foundation – principles that prove to show what works for the body and what does not. The core principle being the connection between mind, body, soul. And Ayurveda works around this very same school of thought. Over the years, there have been questions around the treatment approach of Ayurveda and the medicinal properties applied.

To understand the path of Ayurvedic healing, you first need to understand what is Ayurveda and the system that it follows.


Origin, Approach and Prevalence of Ayurveda

Ayurveda means ‘science of life’ and is one of the earliest forms of holistic treatment from one of the oldest civilizations, India. Its writings and basic principles have been practiced for over 5000 years. One such being the writings of Sushruta Acharya, who is also known as the Father of surgery. Over the years, Ayurveda has evolved to co-exist with other forms of medical care.

In Ayurveda, each being is considered to be a different expression of the universe. It follows the basic understanding of ‘no two people are alike’. Even if two individuals were to walk in with a fever,  the medicine prescribed would be based on the person’s body constitution and the actual illness.  The purpose of Ayurveda is in maintaining health and curing the disease. Food in itself is the medicine in Ayurvedic healing. It is used wisely so that they don’t cause any accumulations or trigger any problems in you.

People seek Ayurvedic care for two primary reasons:

– Chronic illness where they are at the extreme stage and modern medicine has no solution

– Holistic check-up to understand body constitution for the right nourishment and maintain health to age well

As our Holistic Ayurveda Doctor, Dr. Mohammed Rifas quotes: “Today, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic fear, people have slowly begun to realise and understand the importance of being healthy. They are approaching us to maintain their health and not just to resolve an existing illness.”


The science behind Ayurveda

For anything to be scientific, you give different values for the different variables – length, breadth, height, molecules etc. In Ayurveda, it has a unique kind of scientific approach with its variables termed as Doshas used for measuring purpose. Being scientific means we have tools to measure everything and Ayurveda has this. It may be different to the measures used by modern science, but the purpose remains the same which is, health.

In Ayurveda specifically, it is believed that if you are about to come down with an illness, you almost always have symptoms that show from the early beginnings. In the case of Diabetes, it would almost always have premonitory symptoms. Back in the ancient times, even when there were no so called equipment or tools to identify sugar levels, the practice was to have patients urinate outside the treatment facility – if ants approached it, it was a clear indication of high sugar levels in the patient’s body. Today with technology, we make use of the convenience of blood check ups instead of nature’s own ants.

Ayurveda is scientific but in its own unique approach. It is a traditional medicinal practice that has stood the test of time. 

And time is the most important witness and validation of all. 


Have you ever wondered why good health instead of weight loss is not topping our priority list?

It is because only a minority of us take our health to be our personal responsibility. The rest of us take it for granted or feel overwhelmed by it.


Prioritising the Intentions 

Intention is what the heart desires. Today, the struggle is with scheduling our priorities. And sometimes, health is often overshadowed by the rest. The first step to good health is prioritising this intention of wanting to be healthy and not looking at weight loss as an end result. Understanding the significance of good health and inculcating it as one amongst our primary needs is where the journey needs to begin.

And a lifestyle change is the first goal that needs to be set on the priority list.

When a lifestyle change is our intention, it is our heart’s desire, and only then will our mind follow it. This is the initial step in achieving the different goals we set for ourselves. If our lifestyle does not change for the better, our health will sooner or later become a hindrance in achieving the rest of our goals. This is where we need to prioritise our intentions. Prioritise good health and the necessity of a lifestyle change.


Small changes add up to the big difference

Sometimes the reason for procrastinating on the topic of health is that we are overwhelmed by not knowing how or where to set the change. We are saturated even before we attempt it, making it convenient for us to keep it for later.

One small step a day would be enough to get on the Holistic path, rather than having to face the consequences of wrong choices all at once. If we set our goal to be ‘healthy’ instead of ‘lose weight’ we would find the task to be slightly lighter. A bit more, POSSIBLE. Dental Implants

If we focus on our lifestyle as a whole, something as intimidating as weight loss will be easier to tackle. As with the lifestyle, we support not only the body, but also the mind and the soul to be all in harmony to achieve the results!


Success of a lifestyle change

Success always boils down to how consistent we can be and the positivity it spreads. This really is the most crucial task in hand at the end of the day. Good health being the intention, impact is far bigger with the lifestyle change we choose for ourselves today. Tomorrow. And the days following it.

Here is a short story from one of our own staff members. When she first sat down for an in-house holistic checkup, her problems or at least the ones she thought were her problems were frequent migraines. One month into the holistic lifestyle, and one of the small changes she practised was drinking a glass of green juice. Her migraines have since then been history. And not just that – she was also much calmer, with improved energy levels. These were not on her list of problems to be resolved but instead these were the bi-products of a small lifestyle change. More than what she had initially set out for. In a matter of time, her family members had also caught up with this practise of hers. This had not just benefited her but also her family. 

Checkout Holistic Healing’s Holistic Lifestyle Programs.

The impact of a lifestyle change is not just bodily changes. It is also the mental health – the emotional and psychological aspects. The clean food we consume, the kind of water we drink, how active we stay throughout the day, our sleep patterns, and having control over our emotions are some measures to understand the impact of a lifestyle decision. You witness your own change, so does your family and your neighbourhood.

Ultimately, the purpose of Holistic Lifestyle is harmony. Where every creation follows a flow of energy, there is love and happiness, and lastly, we are in union with the universe. Immunity and health exist together.Our health is our own responsibility. Focus on what we can do today to stay healthy.

Afterall, lifestyle is for life. The choice has to be ours – to live in health or live in ailment. We can achieve it all based on how consistent we are with the small changes right now. What we plant today, we reap the benefits later and for a longer period.

If you are interested in a holistic lifestyle, you might also like these blogs:

Change your water, change your life

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