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As a mother, the happiness of my children is my greatest happiness, and is all I can ask for! 

Maintaining a healthy and happy child is not as stressful as most might think or as tiresome of a task as our mothers made us believe. At least not when I have been following a holistic lifestyle and when I have homeopathy by by side! 

With homeopathy, my kids are healthy and strong even if they do catch the flu or that common virus every now and then, but this happens seldom! 

Their immunity has become a lot stronger, and if they do catch the cold or any sickness, the recovery time is a lot shorter and we handle it with it without the stress over medication, how to give it to them, and whether they will accept it or get sick from the taste! 

Homeopathy is the one medicine my kids love taking and actually request more of! 

The sweet homeopathic pills is nature’s candy!

For over 5 years now, I have been using homeopathy for my children and I have learned so much about their feelings and behaviors! 

I understand them better and respond to them a lot wiser. 

I used to be confused as to why my kids were irritable, crying, nagging, angry or had no appetite. 

It was frustrating not to have the answers to these behaviors and I tried different methods from threatening them, punishing them and even bribing them! I am sure many mothers can relate to this!

Homeopathy has supported me tremendously, as I have realized that their psychological behavior is a direct reflection of their health and what is going on in their body! 

Children are the happiest creatures alive! 

When they are healthy, they are happy and 

when they are happy, we mothers are happy! 

Homeopathy is a natural medicine that supports the restoration and regeneration of health, not only on a physical but also on an emotional and mental level. 

My kids became calmer, friendlier, more focused, happier and on top of that not sick! 

Mother earth has given us so many resources to maintain our health and to be happy. 

As natural as it is for a mother to give birth to a child, it is the most natural thing to offer them what nature has made available for us. 

It is time we mothers embrace Motherhood with Mother Nature.

A grateful & happy mother!


Holistic Recommendations for Better and More Effective Sleep

The way we sleep, or how much sleep we got the night before, dictates how our day goes. Getting too much or too little sleep affects our energy levels and productivity.

So how can we promote better sleep? Here are some Holistic tips from Dr Ludmila to help you get more peaceful and revitalizing sleep.


  1. We use most of our energy during daytime and less energy as the day gives way to night. Pattern your meal size accordingly: get a rich breakfast, good lunch and light dinner


  1. Try to have dinner at least 3-4 hours before sleeping


  1. After dinner, it is ideal to walk for 1-1.5 hours


  1. Take a warm, but not hot, shower before sleeping and enjoy a cup of chamomile tea. You may feel more energised in the beginning, but it will actually lead to a more productive sleep


  1. Before sleeping, please prepare yourself. Cool down and try to avoid any television, internet and media. Please try to keep all electronics away from your bed


  1. Avoid having your bed facing north, as this leads to disturbed sleep. Face your bed in any direction except for north in the northern hemisphere and south in the southern hemisphere


  1. The moment you go to bed, rid yourself of any burden you accumulated throughout the day


  1. Please light an oil lamp, as this will give you tremendous support during the night to sleep easier and better


  1. Try alternate nostril breathing, or Pranayama, to prepare for sleep


  1. Before sleep, remind yourself that you are mortal. Wish for the best sleep you could have. You will wake up easier, lighter and your sleep will be more effective


  1. Sleeping does not need to be 8 hours. If sleeping is restful, you only need 3-5 hours


  1. In case you wake up earlier than normal (e.g. at 3:30 am), try to meditate for half an hour. You can then either go back to sleep or get ready for the day and go outdoors


  1. Try to wake up without an alarm. If you sleep on time, the body will relax much more easily. In case you sleep later, the body will always have difficulty to fall asleep


  1. The moment you wake up, turn to the right side, rub your hands with each other until warm and place them on your eyelids


  1. The moment you open your eyes, smile – not everyone receives the gift of another day. If you wake up, smile a big smile for yourself


A very good morning, be happy!


You’ve visited a Holistic doctor. You’ve heard her suggestions and changed the way you live, the way you eat, the way you prioritise your health. And it’s worked. You’ve been feeling a lot more vibrant lately. Your energy levels are at their peak.

And then you fall off the wagon.

We don’t blame you; it’s very easy to slip back into old habits. The convenience of waking up later than usual; foregoing meditation; falling for temptations around us – you started that one time your co-worker celebrated her promotion, but suddenly you can’t stop anymore. All these little details snowball until you wake up one morning … and there you are. Back at square one again.

“I feel improvement when I follow instructions from you — whether lifestyle, medication or treatment. It is only when I deviate that I start to lose balance and feel problems. When I go back to recommendations, I finally feel my health stabilize.”

-Patient Testimonial


The effectiveness of your treatment plan depends on whether you follow it and practice it. Of course, it will stop working when you stop following it — when patients don’t follow the doctor’s recommendations, they always compromise the effectiveness of the treatments they are receiving. The path to wellness is not straight. It’s also not set in stone, so we understand how easy it is to lose your way. However, this doesn’t mean that there’s no moving forward with your healing journey.

Remember the benefits. Remember the feeling of being in control of your health. It’s a wonderful feeling that goes beyond the momentary pain of not being able to try out fast food or a new restaurant. It goes beyond sleeping in for an extra 30 minutes when you could start your morning with Vinyasa. Do not let a momentary lapse divert you from your Holistic journey. At Holistic Healing Medical Centre, we’re here to support you on your personal journey, every step of the way.


Multiple Sclerosis has various effects on the human body. No two cases are the same, so treatments have to be specifically tailor-made for them to be effective. Physiotherapy has always been part of a much bigger treatment plan for Multiple Sclerosis. With Holistic physiotherapy, you can be sure that your treatment plan will be touching all areas that need to be addressed.

About Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic condition caused by inflammation of the central nervous system. The spinal cord and the brain are damaged by this debilitating disease, which often escalates quickly and can affect various muscle groups and a person’s mobility. MS is highly unpredictable and can affect all areas of the body, depending on which part of the brain is affected. Its symptoms include muscle spasms, problems with balance and coordination, and even memory loss.

Holistic Physiotherapy

The Holistic approach considers the entirety of the human body, combining various treatments from Ayurveda, to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and manual trigger points, to speed up the healing process in the most efficient method. Hence Holistic Physiotherapy has become one of the most effective treatments for MS patients.

The effects of MS vary from person to person and in how they manifest themselves. The best treatment is to consider each case uniquely and in isolation from other MS patients. Holistic treatment plans are ideal when it comes to looking at a person’s unique case, which is why Holistic physiotherapy has so much potential to provide lasting relief to MS patients.

With a Holistic physiotherapist on your side, our treatment plan can help you improve your strength, mobility and other bodily functions. You will always know that our specialists will be looking into your case with a complete understanding, and will only ever suggest the treatment plan that is best for your unique case.

For more details, feel free to get in touch with us by booking an appointment.


We are like the seeds we plant, where every seed has the potential to grow and to flourish. Everything has a purpose, to become a beautiful plant or tree and to offer various benefits: to provide shade, share beauty and bear fruit. Seeds need to be cared for with water, good rich soil and sun, so they can reach their full potential.

We are just the same! Every human is like a seed and we can also reach our full potential. What is the difference between a seed and a human being? Seeds can only grow based on their genetic composition. Whereas human beings know they have the potential to be more, they are more than just genetics. They have a mind that makes them conscious and aware, which is why they have so much more potential for growth. Only human beings can change their surroundings!

Holistic Life Coaching

How do you know if you are making the right decision to improve your career or personal relationships? Despite being sentient beings, humans are prone to errors that can only be seen in hindsight. With Holistic life coaching, we can help you figure out the correct life path to take by mapping out who you really are as a person. Through your life numbers and other signs and symbols from the universe, our Holistic life coaching session will help you learn how to nurture and maintain the seed in you.

The concept of Holistic healing considers the whole as a sum of all parts. In the same way, you are part of something bigger – the universe. Your life gives energy to the universe and in return, the universe gives you energy. In this equivalent exchange, you have the potential to use this energy better and more efficiently when you get to know yourself better. Be more aware of who you are as a person. Find out who you are, what your role in the universe is. Manager your life better and become a better version of yourself.


The allure of free things is always strong. This is perhaps one reason why we only seek medical care that comes for free, or at least discounted, through our insurance providers. But does the convenience of paying less really outweigh the benefits of living a healthy and holistic lifestyle?


Our medical insurance is our safety net when we fall ill. But the cause of many of our illnesses and diseases can be traced back to poor lifestyle choices. Do we eat healthily? Do we get enough exercise? Or make time for meditation? These are things we give up to live a modern and convenient lifestyle. However, this level of convenience has consequences for our health.


A holistic doctor can identify the root causes of our medical concerns and can treat them, starting at the most basic level. Identifying the problem begins with a consultation and a full diagnosis of your body. Following this, a strategy will be created to restore full health. And it doesn’t stop there. While modern medicine will give you an immediate ‘sticking plaster’ solution, holistic living means changing your lifestyle to better suit your body’s needs.


Live Holistically

Whether or not alternative or preventive medicine is covered by our health insurance (and more often than not it is covered in the UAE), part of living a holistic lifestyle is prioritising our health and incorporating it in our lifestyles. Choosing to live a healthier and more holistic lifestyle will certainly bring more benefits than opting to be apathetic about our health.


If you want to learn more about holistic living this article will help you to understand the basics. If you want to learn more about how holistic medicine works then this article will show you how.


Getting into an active lifestyle may be difficult. With the fast-paced lives we lead, it is easy to lose track of time – leading us to believe that there simply isn’t enough time! If you’ve been wanting to try working out, there are many forms of exercise you can do and enjoy without having to spend over an hour at the gym.

Try these simple workouts, which will not only challenge your body but will also bring you more peace and calm.

  1. Yoga

Yoga is an ancient science designed to transform, balance and awaken a person on their physical, mental and spiritual levels. Yoga as exercise is a physical activity consisting mainly of postures, often connected by flowing sequences and sometimes accompanied by rhythmic breathing. A yoga session often ends with relaxation or meditation. Yoga in this form has become popular across the world. Not only does yoga work on the physical level, but the practice also teaches its students how to move beyond limitations and towards possibilities.

  1. Tai Chi

The practice of Tai Chi has been around for many hundreds of years. Though originally conceived as a martial art, it is not only practiced as self-defence training, but also for its health benefits and for meditation. The term refers to a philosophy of the forces of yin and yang, related to the moves. Some training forms are known for their relatively slow movements. The practice of Tai Chi endorses one’s relationship with silence in the mind. When the mind is calm, so is the body.

  1. Qi Gong

Qi Gong means “energy work.” The practice, like Tai Chi, originated long ago in China. It involves harnessing energy through one’s palms and deep meditation. Qi Gong places important focus on mental concentration during the practice. People who practice Qi Gong believe that linking attention with intention creates mastery in life.

  1. Swimming

As a form of exercise, swimming may not be as easy as running, biking or jogging, but the benefits of swimming can easily outweigh most forms of exercise. In swimming, you utilise more muscle groups and improve overall flexibility. Aside from that, water has an instant calming effect on the brain. In a similar way to meditation, swimming gives the brain a moment of peace.

These four exercises are more than just workouts. They are also good for meditation, and that in turn is good for overall health. At the end of the day, what is important for you is to do what you love and enjoy.

Take the time to explore and experiment with different activites to find out what exactly works for you – be it walking, swimming, dancing or something totally out of the ordinary! Doing things with positivity has a much bigger and better effect than doing an activity you feel is a chore or a burden.

Holistic Healing Medical Centre offers yoga classes for beginners and long-time practitioners, where we like to tailor the class to your needs. You may also book one-on-one classes, if you prefer some alone time!


Holistic living begins when you commit to begin each day with a purpose and end each day with gratitude. In our fast-paced world, convenience makes the world go round. However in living like that, we sometimes forget to embrace and love our own bodies. After all, they are the most amazing things we will ever own and the biggest responsibility we may ever have. They will definitely be around a lot longer than that expensive handbag or designer watch. Isn’t it time to invest in ourselves?

Here are five simple ways to start a Holistic lifestyle:

  1. Nourish your body

The first step to Holistic living is to value your body with natural foods. When you consume natural foods you are giving your body what it deserves. Your digestive system will be able to absorb all the right nutrients and distribute it to the right organs. Avoid taking in junk and processed foods. Feed your body with the right foods and you will start to see and feel big differences in your mood and energy levels.

  1. Get moving!

Coupled with eating well, getting enough exercise is another major step towards Holistic living. Being active and most importantly, doing what you love will leave you feeling stronger, both physically and mentally! Exercise also regulates your hormones, improves blood circulation and strengthens your muscles. Enjoy a walk, swim, yoga or any of your favourite hobbies for 30 minutes, and watch your mental, physical and emotional health thrive in one fell swoop!

  1. Meditate, meditate, meditate

Holistic health believes in the interconnectedness of everything. Our cells and energy are connected with how our mind, body and spirit work. In the same way, human beings are connected to their environment. Take the time to connect with your environment. Try to observe the sunrise or sunset. Clear your mind of the trappings of modern life for five minutes. Meditation will help you to find your centre and give your soul a quick respite.

  1. Detox all the negativity

We may often accumulate negativity from the people, news, actions and events that we encounter on a daily basis. The best way to cope with this is to detox regularly. Surround yourself with what or who makes you happy, and get rid of all the things that no longer spark joy in your life. Also, schedule a regular liver detox or colon cleanse, to purge your body of toxins that have accumulated over long periods.

Sign up for a yoga class up to three times a week. Yoga also helps in detoxing our minds of any accumulated stess or toxic thoughts that tend to weigh us down.

  1. Go to Holistic checkups regularly

Unlike medical checkups, Holistic checkups focus on health rather than finding out what may or may not be wrong with your body. Holistic checkups help you overhaul your lifestyle to make room for more vibrancy and energy. They will help you to align yourself with your mind and spirit. Why wait for things to get ‘bad’ or ‘serious’ when you can address them before they even become a problem?




With the help of our medical insurance, it has become very easy to go for medical checkups and consultations. Whether we feel a twinge of pain in our hips, or a severe pain elsewhere, we can feel confident that our next doctor’s visit will be paid for by insurance.

But how valuable are these visits? And are they really helping us in the long run?

Medical consultations can be helpful, there’s no doubt about that. However, Holistic consultations present a deeper understanding of our body, mind and soul as a whole. There aren’t many doctors who do that. In fact, we usually have to visit multiple specialists for every kind of illness, and are then left to make sense of each different analysis and diagnosis. Not to mention the amount of medication prescribed separately by each doctor.

Whatever happened to having one family doctor that takes care of every member of the family, no matter what their health concern was? Isn’t it time that we have someone knowledgeable look after us as a whole?

Benefits of Holistic Consultations

  1. Finding the root cause of your concerns

Holistic consultations give you insight about your body’s status, taking into account every cell, tissue and organ. The consultation begins with the premise that your body is unique, and your particular treatment will be tailored exactly to your own body’s specific needs.

  1. All-natural treatments

Have you ever walked out of a traditional medical consultation with a long list of medications that you can’t even pronounce? Unfortunately, one disadvantage of such consultations is the frequently prescribed ‘go-to’ medications, that only suppress or stimulate and mask your symptoms rather than treating them. Many of us have been asked to take new pills to counteract the side-effects of others. It’s a never-ending cycle!

Holistic medicine believes that the true key to your healing already lies within your body. You just have to listen to what it’s telling you and support it to be able to do the work itself. The focus is on health, rather than on disease!

  1. Pursuing a Holistic lifestyle

Modern habits, such as the easy availability of food and fast-paced lifestyles, are often what lead to the accumulation of toxins and weakening of our systems. By embracing a lifestyle that focuses on what your body needs when it needs it, can not only maintain but also help to improve your health.

At the end of your Holistic consultation, one thing’s for sure: you will emerge a changed person with a new perspective on health that is unlike anything else you may have experienced before. Embrace the practices that support and improve your body. Love your body by treating it well and feeding it with positivity.

  1. Giving you the time you deserve

With Holistic consultations, our Holistic doctors and specialists dedicate enough time to focus on you, rather than rushing through a 10-15 minute fixed consultation timeslot. You not only feel heard, but also are able to tackle whatever angles need an in-depth perspective.

One thing that may hold you back from visiting a Holistic specialist is the lack of insurance coverage. Contrary to popular belief, alternative medicine is actually covered by many insurance providers and policies. Aside from this, our very own Dr. Ludmila is a General Practitioner, so her consultations are actually covered by medical insurance. Check your coverage on the policy document or the relevant insurer’s website. However, this shouldn’t stop you from seeking a consultation with a Holistic specialist.

We’re only given one shot with one body. Investing that limited amount in your health can help you avoid the lengthy and never-ending bills that are linked to curing disease.

The road to health is a series of commitments. Commitment to choosing what’s best for your body. Commitment to putting your health first. The benefits of prioritising your health are invaluable and endless. Whether or not preventive care is covered by your medical insurance, doesn’t change the fact that you stand to reap many benefits by choosing a Holistic approach.


Eating naturally healthy foods builds a solid foundation for a Holistic lifestyle. This is always
the focus for every Holistic plan. Unlike diet fads, Holistic eating is not about the calorie
count of what you eat. Rather, it is about eating natural foods that optimally fuel your body
and that are eaten at the right times to support your natural rhythms.

The Basics of Holistic Nutrition
Holistic nutrition is all about eating foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.
The less processed and more natural any food is, the higher its nutritional value and the
more beneficial it is for your body. Eating naturally allows the body to digest and absorb
nutrients more easily. Instead of wasting energy burning processed food, your body can
actually use its energy more efficiently for other vital body processes because it can break
down natural foods with less effort.

Here is a quick summary of some foods that support Holistic nutrition and some of those
you can probably do without.









Five Tips on How to Eat More Naturally
1. Favour natural and ‘alive’ food over processed or fermented foods
If possible, avoid foods that are manufactured or packaged. Vegetables, fruits and grains
are rich in vitamins and nutrients that are all great for your body.

2. Drink activated water
Water is alive and has memory. Pretty unbelievable, right? But it’s true. Water that came
from a plastic bottle is dead – thus draining the body and supplying it with negative rather
than positive energy. Opt for water served in a glass or, if that’s not possible, pour water
from a plastic bottle to a glass before drinking it.
Infuse warm water with lemon and ginger. Lemon-infused water helps to cleanse the body
and get your system going – jumpstarting your digestion and metabolism for the day.

3. Eat on Time
Our bodies are best able to digest food from 6:00am-7:00am and 6:00pm-7:00pm. That is
also the window for when the body needs fuel the most.
Eating too late at night or skipping meals disrupts your body’s natural rhythm and throws
your metabolism off balance. This also leads to the food sitting longer than it should, thus
fermenting and leading to issues such as bloating, constipation, acidity and fatigue!

4. Listen to your body
It is possible to get too much of a good thing! Eating when you’re bored or drinking too
much water is also not good. Listen to what your body says. If you’re too full to eat, then
allow your digestive system time to process what it already has. In the same way, only drink
when your body says you’re thirsty.

5. Detox
Just as importantly as taking in food, it is essential to regularly cleanse your body of toxins.
Our bodies are designed to cleanse themselves naturally, but assisting this process can
prove to be very beneficial. Try a liver cleanse or a colon cleanse. This will help remove
toxins that may have accumulated in your digestive tract over time.

With the release of harmful toxins, your body may lose some nutrients along the way. So it
is important to refuel and nourish your body with simple, benefit-packed food. An excellent
option is nutritious broth! We’ve partnered with The Clean Living Company to supply
delicious, healthy broths to our patients following their detox.

The path to a Holistic lifestyle is not difficult. After all, everything you need is already
available in nature! Holistic Healing Medical Centre is committed to making your journey
towards a healthy and happy style of life as supportive, simple and enjoyable as possible.

Villa No. 101, Street 17c
Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 3
P.O. Box 53420, Dubai, UAE

T : +971 4 348 7172
F : +971 4 348 7173

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