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Statement by Dr. Ludmila Vassilieva MD PhD Homeopath Health & Holistic Lifestyle



Viruses are showing who is Ruling the World

Dr Ludmila Vassilieva, PhD, Homeopath

Founder of the Holistic Healing Approach in Medicine
Founder of Holistic Healing Medical Centre (Dubai)

HEALTH & Holistic LifeStyle


Today the fear of the pandemic is dominating global media and our minds. Viruses are as contagious as panic and fear! Love is as contagious as laughter and joy! The choice is yours. Choose consciously! We will prevail over this pandemic faster, if we spread positive emotions and love. I am a doctor combining two medical approaches – holistic and pharmaceutical. Holistic medicine is integrative, based on five thousand years of wisdom: acupuncture, homeopathy, ayurveda, works on an energy level using laws of synthesis and integration. Pharmacological medicine is just over 80 years old, operating on the level of the body and morphology and is based on the laws of analysis and dissection. Based on all my knowledge and expertise I have come up with an integrative approach to medicine – Holistic Medicine – to regenerate health based on –  Holistic LifeStyle.


Life is the amount of energy over time: from birth till death

Modern medicine’s strength is in combining science with the pharmacological industry. However, medicine itself is not a science, it’s an industry based on the scientific knowledge coming primarily from physics, chemistry and mathematics. In utilizing this knowledge medicine is using equipment and technologies.  Without thermometers we would not be able to measure temperature. Without tonometers we would not be able to measure blood pressure. Without an X-ray we would not be able to evaluate the state of bones in a living organism.

In the past everything was based on doctor’s examination of a patient at his bedside. Nowadays, without a second thought patients are sent away for tests. Yet, tomorrow the science will go even further and invent new devices, the use of which will allow us to see even deeper.

The science does not look at the living organism as a whole. When life throws a pandemic at us, science says that it has not encountered this yet. Life is much more varied than the knowledge of any scientists and doctors. Science is based on analysis and logic, while life is based on integration and synthesis.

For example, a frog can be cut open and its organs looked at. But in this situation a frog is no more. Modern medicine is not researching life and those laws that if follows. Pharmacological medicine is not looking at the matters of energy. Life and health is an amount of energy over time – from the day of birth to the day of death. We came to this earth with energy, with a code of health embedded in a single cell, as a product of love of our parents. When this energy leaves, all these cells brake down.  As Goethe said:

“To know and note the living, you’ll find it

Best to first dispense with the spirit:

Then with the pieces in your hand,

Ah! You’ve only lost the spiritual bond.”


This virus has divided people into the ‘sick’ and healthy’

When coming to see a doctor, the patient is complaining about a symptom. Same as pain, a symptom is a cry for help. In prescribing a chemical medicine, the doctor is aiming at suppressing, or eradicating this pain, symptom, signal. However, having suppressed the signal, the doctor is taking the disease to a deeper level and gradually the organism stops complaining. You can no longer hear the cry for help or a signal of recovery. So, you become dependent on this chemical.

Before this virus humanity was divided up into the ‘rich and poor’. Now the virus has shown that a person can be either ‘sick or healthy’. Viruses likes only the sick as it comes to destroy dying cells. Most often COVD19 strikes people with existing chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, allergies or lung diseases. That is why, when someone is healthy, he may not even know that he has contracted the virus because his immunity and health protect him from the disease. Whereas someone who is already sick upon contracting the virus is exhibiting all kinds of symptoms depending on the severity of the chronic disease. Those who are severely sick – die.

This virus has shown who is ruling the world, having removed all distinctions between the rich and the poor. A ‘conscious human’ will come out of this crisis, someone who cares about his health in entering an era of conscious evolution. Revolution is life going in circles. Then you tend to enter the same circle of ‘breaking first and building later’, it doesn’t matter whether it’s health or a country. However, at present no one succeeds in building anything, yet everyone manages to break everything down.


Why doctors are interested in the existence of diseases?

This is because doctors are paid in relation to diseases and not health. A patient is asking for a doctor’s help and the doctor’s response is: ‘I’m giving you a tablet that will make you forget about the symptoms of what is truly happening inside’. But in suppressing the signal of pain or other symptoms, the doctor is gradually pushing the disease to a deeper level.

Considering that at present the doctor is paid in relation to diseases, he is not interested in health, he cares about the disease: it is understandable why doctors are interested in the existence of diseases…

This can be contrasted with the approach towards a corporate lawyer, who needs to take care of the company’s wellbeing and is motivated for his company to be more efficient and healthy. Otherwise, the lawyer will be fired and replaced with another.


Holistic LifeStyle – Solutions for evolution of humanity

Holistic, integrative medicine take a different approach focusing not on business, but on human: don’t change the world, regenerate yourself. The world is not a problem, the world does not need to be fixed, the problem is in a human who is changing the world, without regenerating himself.

Humanity can choose the path of conscious evolution. Holistic approach is a solution for evolution of humanity. Evolution means opening up one’s capabilities and going beyond one’s limitations. This means not living the old way, but looking for new solutions, potential and exploring new human abilities – evolving.

If your biological system is balanced from within, as in the Holistic LifeStyle program then a person can easily change his lifestyle, one is not conditioned by one’s past, health is restored and evolution can commence.

Health, regeneration and reproduction are encoded into an organism. We are in the 21st century. There should be two types of medicine – pharmacological that deals with diseases and holistic medicine that deals with restoration of health. For the latter, it does not matter what diseases you have, the focus is on restoring health. Wherever your focus is, your energy follows.

If your focus is on diseases, diseases will grow, if on health, then health will grow. It is important to choose the direction: do you need health or disease? Chaotic lifestyle or holistic? Diseases are doctor’s responsibility, whereas health is yours.

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